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Beaver Control Program

2024-25: You must submit a copy of your Trapping Licence to our office.  We will take this to the next Regular Council Meeting for approval.  Once you are approved, the RM is offering $30/tail for ADULT nuisance beavers trapped within this municipality.  We will provide you with forms to be approved by the landowner before payment is issued. Trap dates must be between February 16, 2024 and February 15, 2025.

Dust Control

Dust control services are available for our ratepayers upon your request and at your cost.  If interested, please contact our office.  Request forms must be submitted by April 30, 2024.


Private lane/yard gravel will be available to R.M. residents upon your request and at your cost each summer - forms due in our office by June 30th each year.
-2 loads maximum, per ratepayer - 1 load = approx. 20 yards
-$20.00 per yard (rate)


Lane Maintenance

The municipality will provide lane maintenance to ratepayers when operators have the time to perform this extra duty.  Lane maintenance includes grader and mower work.  The R.M. provides a time credit of 1 hour per ratepayer/residence per year for this work, any work exceeding 1 hour will be charged accordingly.  No custom work shall be provided to anyone who is in tax arrears with this municipality.  R.M. graders are not to perform any custom work on private land other than lanes. If such work is requested by a ratepayer, approval must first be obtained from a Councillor.  Custom work requests are limited to a 2 hour maximum (Councillor approval required for any work exceeding 2 hours.)   

Grader Maintenance:

$ 150.00/hour for ratepayers

$ 250.00/hour for others


$150.00/hour for ratepayers only

(½ hour minimum charge)

Invasive Plant Control

Currently, the main issue within our municipality is Leafy Spurge & Scentless Chamomile development.  Other, less problematic weeds identified are Purple Loosestrife and Absinthe.  Our municipality's Weed Inspector, Dorothee Corrigan, is helping to take care of these problems.  If you have any concerns, problem areas on your land or additional weeds to be documented, please get in touch with our office.  We may be able to help with some costs!

Pest Control

Rat poison is available in our office free of charge to our ratepayers.
Gopher poison, ZP Rodent Oat Bait, is available in the office at a cost.  Partial reimbursement for product purchase is offered through S.A.R.M.’s Gopher Control Program.  Please contact our office for more details. 

We recommend that you leave these issues to our municipality's Pest Control Officer, Terry Barnes: (306)483-7714.

His services are free to ratepayers!

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